Ontwikkeling van bio-aromaten - duurzame, chemische bouwstenen - en toepassingen in producten voor onder andere de bouw- en textielsector. Het gebruik van deze bio-aromaten maakt de producten niet alleen duurzamer, maar geeft ze ook premium eigenschappen. Op deze manier draagt BIO-CAPPP bij aan de overgang naar een circulaire economie.
Ontwikkeling van bio-aromaten - duurzame, chemische bouwstenen - en toepassingen in producten voor onder andere de bouw- en textielsector. Het gebruik van deze bio-aromaten maakt de producten niet alleen duurzamer, maar geeft ze ook premium eigenschappen. Op deze manier draagt BIO-CAPPP bij aan de overgang naar een circulaire economie.
From orange waste to a green future
In this project we are working together with PeelPioneers to find a economically feasible businesscase for orange peel extract waste.
Blueprint of fungal genomes
The purpose of this pilot project is to test and tailor the portable sequencing prototype (Oxford Nanopore Tech MinION®) with the TPB fungal production strains.
Biodegradation Coatings Stahl
Stahl from Waalwijk, would like to switch to the production of more sustainable coatings. Besides the development of renewable based coatings they also want to development coatings that are biodegradable.
The project was originally set up by Reflow in order to create 3D print filament, which is a bit greener than most plastic filaments available on the market. Both figuratively and literal. The plastic they use comes from used fishnets.
Fungal Colourants
In the Fungal Colourants project that recently started, the possibilities of biobased colors from fungi are being investigated.
Orange in the Sea
Orange in the Sea
The textile industry can and must be cleaner. In recent years there has been a lot of attention for recycle, a good start, but there is belief in local and the use of the total product. In recent years, designer Nienke Hoogvliet has worked on the traditional way of making seaweed paint for textiles.
Making disposables disposable
Bionative Industries is a start-up founded in 2018 with the vision of replacing plastic disposable products by fully bio-based and fully biodegradable products.
Extraction of pectins from onion skins
When processing onions, large volumes of dry onion skins (outer skins) are created, an agricultural residual flow that amounts to 30 Ktonnes per year. In practice, onion skins are used to a low value or the producer pays disposal costs. However, onion peels contain several valuable components (including pectin, proteins and quercetin).
Growing Leather
The growing consumer awareness of the growing problem with livestock and meat production due to high nitrogen emissions and the related impact on climate change is driving the consumption of plant-based vegetarian alternatives.
Biobased foam
There is great interest in researching the foaming capacity of biopolymers. Not only is foam insulated air and therefore a very good insulation material, but with foam you also get a large surface and that can improve the degradability.

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