Wood does not produce waste, because it can be composted and used for keeping the soil fertile or burned for energy. Wood is a sustainable solution for almost all components in the building industry if the harvest and processing of the wood is done in a sustainable way and if the harvested trees are replaced by new seedlings and plants. Applications of wood are various, such as: construction (skeleton frame), walls, ceiling and floors, cladding, shingle, doors, furniture, window frames and insulation (the wood fibers).

The Agrodome demonstration building is a good example to show what you can do with wood. This project demonstrates what you can do with renewable materials.
For more information: https://www.biobasedbouwen.nl/projecten/agrodome/

Another interesting project in the context of wood as a biobased building material: ontwerpen met Snel Hernieuwbare Materialen

Finally, we have just started the bio-builders project!

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