You want to contribute to a better environment by giving your company a biobased spin. But you have no idea how to do that. Then follow the free open online course MOOC Biobased Business Development.

Here you as a student can get started with a business case. This can be your own case, that of your company, an assignment from your study program or you can make a choice from the list offered in the MOOC.

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Business Case

Your plan will take shape during the course. An excellent opportunity to develop a new idea or to work out an existing plan in a good way. In all cases it remains your idea. The business case can be assessed by a professional. Various business theories are discussed in the following modules:

  • Raw material
  • Partners
  • Civilian government
  • Customer market
  • Yields and competition

The modules consist of video instructions, interesting literature, quizzes and discussions with participants. We recommend that you first follow the Think Biobased MOOC. but it is not necessary.

Study load: +/- 26 hours

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